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Periodical Medical Examination


A Periodic Medical Examination (PME) focuses on any (occupational) health damage risks concerning employees within your company. The examination looks at the lifestyle, work ability and health of your employees.


  • A Periodic Medical Examination looks at:
  • Work-related risk factors (known as Risk Inventory and Evaluation (RI&E)).
  • Personal health factors.
  • Alerts issued by the company doctor.

Based on the outcome of the assessment, your employee will receive an individual report, which contains the examination findings and tailored advice. In addition, we draw up a Plan of Approach, in close consultation with you and with the aim of improving the health of your employees. The concrete tools are then put into use to reduce health risks and to improve fitness, health and productivity of employees. Our focus is not solely on the individual; we also – and more so – look at organisational and work-related aspects. The PME is tailored to the organisation, the work situation and the individual employees and is therefore always custom-made.

Pre Employment Medical Examination

In this competitive corporate world most organisations demand a healthy and fit employee because a healthy employee can be more productive compared to an unhealthy one.

It is observed that a healthy workforce stays more motivated and connected to the organisation. An unhealthy workforce can pull down your productivity level, due to their increasing work day offs (sick leaves), as the pressure will pile up on other employees. This will result in less efficiency amongst healthy employees.

Healthy employees on the other hand create a more positive and energetic work environment which can boost the efficiency level. Therefore, it is important that the employer performs pre-employment health check-up before hiring any employee, so that they can hire the right person in the organisation who can demonstrate better corporate responsibility.

Vaccination campaign

A mass vaccination campaign is a particular challenge to AEFI surveillance. It involves administration of vaccine doses to a large population over a short period of time. As a result, adverse events may be more noticeable to staff and to the public. All children from 9 months to less than 15 years of age will be given a single shot of Measles-Rubella (MR) vaccination during the campaign. Following the campaign, MR vaccine will become a part of routine immunization and will replace measles vaccine, currently given at 9-12 months and 16-24 months of age of child.

Screening for Contagious Diseases

With a large number of forcibly displaced people seeking safety, the EU is facing a challenge in maintaining solidarity. Europe has seen millions of asylum seekers crossing European borders, the largest number of asylum seekers since the second world war. Endemic diseases and often failing health systems in their countries of origin, and arduous conditions during transit, raise questions around how to meet the health needs of this vulnerable population on arrival in terms of screening, vaccination, and access to timely and appropriate statutory health services. This paper explores the potential role of the principle of reciprocity, defined as the disposition ‘to return good in proportion to the good we receive, and to make reparations for the harm we have done’, as a mid-level principle in infectious disease screening policies.

Dental Examination Campaign

A dental examination is part of an oral examination: the close inspection of the teeth and tissues of the mouth using physical assessment, radiographs, and other diagnostic aids. Dental care begins with this assessment, and is followed by diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The examination identifies tooth decay and evaluates the health of the gums and other oral tissues. The fit of dentures and bridges (if any) are evaluated. The patient's bite and oral hygiene are also assessed. The dentist then recommends the best treatment options to the patient.

Digital Examination Campaign

A digital rectal examination affords access to several key structures (see the image below) and enables an observant clinician to identify several disease processes pertaining to the rectum, the anus, the prostate, the seminal vesicles, the bladder, and the perineum. In females, it can be performed in conjunction with a pelvic examination. Before the advent of serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing in 1986, the digital rectal examination was the sole method of screening men for prostate cancer.

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